Enhanced Security Across All Neighborhoods Parks
Approximately two-thirds of Spokane residents surveyed in the 2022 Parks and Natural Lands Master Plan mentioned not feeling welcome or safe in parks due to trash, drug use, and encampments.
This initiative will more than double the Special Commission Park Ranger staff and forms a ‘precinct’ of Park Rangers for Northwest, Northeast, South, and Central Spokane to provide a physical presence within neighborhood parks where there is higher risk of conflict between park users. Park ranger staff is specifically trained on trauma-informed approaches for interacting with users of park spaces. It would also purchase and maintain Park Ranger vehicles.
Key Improvements:
- More than double the Special Commission Park Ranger staff to serve neighborhoods
- Regular funding dedicated to purchase & maintain park ranger vehicles and specialty equipment
- More welcoming park spaces
- Enhance Park User Experience
- First Tier. Goal J Objective 2; Goal A Objective 3; Goal K Objective 1; Goal C Objective 5.