Financial Overview

Financial efficiency is the cornerstone of this proposal. The partnership between Spokane Parks and SPS maximizes taxpayer investments, allowing 30 additional projects that would not be possible if pursued independently.

Funding these [total number] proposed projects will cost a Spokane homeowner with a $300,000 home an additional $7.50 per month in 2025 – $7.25 for Parks and $0.25 for schools. Please use the calculator below to determine specifically how much your tax [bill/rate] will increase under this proposed plan.

Tax Calculator

Spokane Public School's goal is to provide clear and transparent information so that our community has a complete view of not only the purpose of levies and what they fund, but also what it means for taxpayers. Please use this tool below to estimate how the bond and levy will impact your neighborhood portion of your property taxes. 

Assessed Property Value:

Enter the full assessed value of your home. Do not put any commas in your number.


The tax rates used in this calculator are the total tax rates for Spokane Public Schools property owners. The total tax rate includes both the existing bond and the estimated levy.  These values are for estimation of tax changes only. These are not official tax records or values.

2025 School District Property Taxes = .003 x (Assessed Property Value)
2028 Estimated School District Property Taxes = .00365 x (Assessed Property Value)