Land Acquisition and Development of New Neighborhood Parks

Residential development at the outer edges of the City of Spokane has developed rapidly over the past 40 years, and with no requirement for new development to provide public parks, much of these newly developed areas currently lack developed park spaces for these residents – resulting in significant park gaps. Areas where residents are not within a 10-minute walk of a park space. The 2022 Park and Natural Lands Master Plan specifically noted four neighborhoods which significantly lack geographic park service and which are in need of new park development to provide basic park service to residents. This initiative will build three new parks in these neighborhoods and acquire land for a fourth.

Key Improvements:

  • Access to parks where there are currently gaps, putting more neighbors within a 10-minute walk of a park
  • New playgrounds and recreation amenities in neighborhoods, designed with the neighborhood
  • Local gathering places
  • More park improvements desired and selected by the neighborhoods (courts, splash pads, fields, etc.)


  • Acquire & Develop New Neighborhood Parks & Natural Lands

Master Plan Goal, Objective, and Strategy:

  • First Tier. Goal A Objective 1.

New Parks and Land Acquisition Info

Learn about the three new parks and land acquisition for a fourth