Project Proposal

First built in the early 1900s and replaced in 1980, the North Central High School campus was not originally designed to house its current population of approximately 1,600 students in grades 6-12.

Previous bonds have added additions to the school, with science classrooms, a second gym, and a weight room included in 1998, and the Institute of Science and Technology, along with a commons and north wing classroom addition, included in the 2015 bond.

This proposed project would include major work to the oldest, unrenovated portions of the school to be completed in phases. More room for safer parking would be included, and classrooms, the library, and offices in the south wing would be modernized and modified for better access to a single, secure point of entry to improve safety. The auditorium, band and choir rooms, and visual arts classrooms would also be updated and right-sized for the school’s population.

Through collaboration with Parks, the project would also include the installation of all-weather fields and practice lighting to improve and extend seasonal use of the school’s athletic fields for both students and the neighborhood community.

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