Trailhead & Trail Improvements

Trailheads and trails were identified by the community as a top-tier community desire in the2022 Park and Natural Lands Master Plan. The community requests a renovation of existing trailheads prior to the construction of new trailheads, with Districts 1 and 3 (northeast and northwest Spokane) expressing a stronger preference for trailhead improvements than District 2 (south Spokane). Community input also indicates a desire for paved and unpaved trails citywide.

In response, this initiative will focus on these areas:

  • Palisades Park: replace the existing trailhead, and develop an additional trailhead to access the newly acquired Rimrock to Riverside portion of Palisades Park (District 3)
  • Beacon Hill: provide supplemental accessory improvements to the new trailhead improvements happening as part of the Make Beacon Hill Public project (near District 1)
  • Cliff Drive/Edwidge Woldson Park: improve new ‘class 1’ paved access trail from Cliff Drive through Edwidge Woldson to 7th Avenue to provide an ADA-accessible trail connection to expand walkable park and school access and a safer alternative to the Tiger Trail (District 2)
  • High Drive Bluff: improve trailhead and trail access to the bluff at appropriate locations, which may include Rocket Gulch or other locations as determined through collaborations with the Friends of the Bluff
  • Fish Lake Trail: allocated a portion of the funding required to complete the Fish Lake Trail gap at the U.P. junction. This project is not intended to fund implementation in its entirety but rather serve as matching funds for use in partnership with other agencies and grants to complete the connection.
  • Boulder Beach: design and construction of water access improvements to expand ADA access and provide additional parking on the north side along Upriver Drive (near District 1)

Key Improvements:

  • Trailhead parking
  • Lighting
  • Improved ADA access
  • Trailhead cameras
  • Access gates & fencing
  • Trail wayfinding & signage


  • Renovate & Replace

Master Plan Goal, Objective, and Strategy:

  • First & Third Tiers. Goal C Objectives 1 & 5, Goal E Objective 1.

Areas That Would Receive Levy Funded Trailhead and Trail Improvements